15 Cara Alami Untuk Menurunkan Kolesterol + Tips Diet

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Video: 15 Cara Alami Untuk Menurunkan Kolesterol + Tips Diet

Video: 15 Cara Alami Untuk Menurunkan Kolesterol + Tips Diet
Video: Tip Diet Untuk Kurus 2024, April
15 Cara Alami Untuk Menurunkan Kolesterol + Tips Diet
15 Cara Alami Untuk Menurunkan Kolesterol + Tips Diet

BMI Anda mungkin tepat, Anda mungkin tidak kelebihan berat badan, dan Anda mungkin sama sekali tidak menunjukkan gejala kolesterol tinggi. Sampai Anda diuji atau menjadi korban stroke atau penyakit jantung. Jadi, sebelum Anda harus menghadapi komplikasinya, berikut adalah beberapa pengobatan rumahan alami yang akan membantu menurunkan kadar kolesterol Anda. Teruskan membaca!

Daftar Isi

Apa itu Kolesterol?

Apa Penyebab Kolesterol Tinggi?

Tanda Dan Gejala Dari Kolesterol Tinggi


Home remedies Untuk Mengurangi Kolesterol

Best Foods Untuk Menurunkan Kolesterol Anda Cepat

Tips Pencegahan

Apa itu Kolesterol?

Kolesterol adalah sejenis lemak (lipid) yang ada dalam darah Anda. Sel Anda membutuhkan kolesterol untuk berfungsi secara normal, dan tubuh Anda membuatnya. Namun, Anda juga mendapatkan kolesterol ekstra dari makanan berlemak yang Anda konsumsi.

Ketika Anda memiliki lebih dari jumlah kolesterol yang dibutuhkan dalam tubuh Anda, itu mulai menumpuk di arteri Anda. Kondisi ini dikenal sebagai aterosklerosis. Hal ini selanjutnya dapat menyebabkan masalah jantung dan aliran darah seperti pembekuan darah, serangan jantung, dan stroke.

Kondisi penderita kolesterol tinggi secara medis disebut sebagai hiperkolesterolemia.

Terutama ada dua jenis kolesterol:

  • Low-Density Lipoproteins (LDL) - LDL adalah kolesterol jahat yang meningkatkan risiko penyakit jantung dan stroke.
  • High-Density Lipoproteins (HDL) - HDL adalah kolesterol baik yang mengurangi risiko penyakit jantung dan stroke.

Sekarang mari kita lihat faktor-faktor (selain pola makan Anda) yang dapat menyebabkan tingginya kadar kolesterol jahat dan menurunkan kadar kolesterol baik.

Apa Penyebab Kolesterol Tinggi?

Berikut ini adalah faktor paling umum yang memengaruhi kadar kolesterol Anda:

  • Makanan Kaya Lemak Jenuh dan Trans: Mengkonsumsi makanan ini secara teratur dapat meningkatkan kadar LDL atau kolesterol jahat.
  • Kegemukan: Kelebihan berat badan dapat menurunkan kadar kolesterol baik dan meningkatkan kadar kolesterol jahat.
  • Ketidakaktifan: Tidak berolahraga dan tidak aktif dapat meningkatkan kadar LDL Anda dan meningkatkan kadar HDL.
  • Umur: Kadar kolesterol (LDL) biasanya mulai meningkat setelah 20 tahun.
  • Riwayat Keluarga: Mereka yang memiliki riwayat keluarga dengan kadar kolesterol tinggi rentan terhadap kondisi tersebut.

Sekarang mari kita lihat kemungkinan gejala yang terkait dengan kolesterol tinggi.

Tanda Dan Gejala Kolesterol Tinggi

Sering kali, Anda mungkin tidak tahu bahwa Anda memiliki kadar kolesterol tinggi sampai Anda melakukan tes.

Dalam beberapa kasus, individu mengetahui tentang kadar kolesterol tinggi mereka hanya setelah menderita stroke atau serangan jantung. Namun, situasi seperti itu hanya terjadi bila kadar kolesterol tinggi menyebabkan pembentukan plak.

Diberikan di bawah ini adalah berbagai tingkat kolesterol yang berkisar dari normal hingga tinggi.

Tingkat Kolesterol

Tes darah hampir menjadi satu-satunya cara untuk mengetahui apakah kolesterol Anda terlalu tinggi.

  • Kolesterol Tinggi - Di atas 240 mg / dl
  • Kolesterol Tinggi Garis Batas - 200-239 mg / dl
  • Kolesterol Normal - Di bawah 200 mg / dl

Saat ini, kebanyakan orang menderita kadar kolesterol tinggi dan karenanya berisiko tinggi terkena serangan jantung dan stroke. Oleh karena itu, semakin dini Anda menurunkan kadar kolesterol, semakin baik untuk kesehatan Anda. Berikut adalah beberapa pengobatan rumahan yang dapat membantu Anda menurunkan kadar kolesterol jahat secara alami.

15 Cara Alami Untuk Menurunkan Kolesterol Anda

Minyak Atsiri

Vitamin Minyak

Ikan Minyak


Bawang Putih

Teh Hijau


Biji Chia

Jus Grapefruit Jus

Jeruk Jus

Delima Jus


Cuka Sari Apel

Biji Rami

Jus Seledri

Pengobatan Rumahan Untuk Mengurangi Kolesterol

1. Minyak Atsiri

Sebuah. Minyak Atsiri Sereh

Turunkan Tingkat Kolesterol Anda - Minyak Esensial Serai
Turunkan Tingkat Kolesterol Anda - Minyak Esensial Serai
Anda akan perlu
  • 2 tetes minyak esensial serai
  • 1 gelas air
Yang Harus Anda Lakukan
  1. Add two drops of lemongrass essential oil to a glass of water and mix well.
  2. Drink this solution.
How Often You Should Do This

You must drink this solution twice daily.

Why This Works

Lemongrass essential oil is mainly used for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. It can help lower your cholesterol levels and dilate your blood vessels for uninterrupted blood flow (1).

b. Holy Basil Essential Oil

Turunkan Tingkat Kolesterol Anda - Minyak Esensial Basil Kudus
Turunkan Tingkat Kolesterol Anda - Minyak Esensial Basil Kudus
You Will Need
  • 2 drops of holy basil oil
  • 1 glass of water
What You Have To Do
  1. Add two drops of holy basil oil to a glass of water.
  2. Mix well and consume.
How Often You Should Do This

You must consume this mixture twice daily.

Why This Works

Holy basil essential oil is known for its cholesterol-lowering effects, owing to the presence of a compound called eugenol in it (2).

2. Vitamins

Turunkan Tingkat Kolesterol Anda - Vitamin
Turunkan Tingkat Kolesterol Anda - Vitamin

Vitamins B3, E, and C are known to reduce the serum cholesterol levels. Vitamin C supplementation was found to reduce LDL levels (3), (4). Vitamins B3 and E help combat symptoms of high cholesterol like atherosclerosis by reducing the build-up of cholesterol in your arteries.

Foods rich in these vitamins include citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, chicken, mushroom, tuna, almonds, and sweet potato.

3. Fish Oil

Lower Your Cholesterol Levels - Fish Oil
Lower Your Cholesterol Levels - Fish Oil
You Will Need

1000 mg of fish oil supplements

What You Have To Do
  1. Take 1000 mg of fish oil supplements.
  2. You can also consume fish like sardines, salmon, mackerel, and tuna.
How Often You Should Do This

You must do this on a daily basis.

Why This Works

Fish oil is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids. Regular intake of these fatty acids is one of the best and easiest ways to reduce your cholesterol levels. They also help reduce your risk of heart disease (5).

4. Coconut Oil

Lower Your Cholesterol Levels - Coconut Oil
Lower Your Cholesterol Levels - Coconut Oil
You Will Need

Coconut oil (as required)

What You Have To Do
  1. Add coconut oil to your favorite dishes and salads in moderate amounts.
  2. You can also replace your cooking oil with coconut oil.
  3. Alternatively, you can consume a tablespoon of coconut oil every morning.
How Often You Should Do This

You must do this on a daily basis.

Why This Works

Coconut oil is known to increase the good cholesterol levels in your blood. This, in turn, helps lower the bad cholesterol levels and also protects you from heart disease by helping you keep your weight in check (6).

5. Garlic

Lower Your Cholesterol Levels - Garlic
Lower Your Cholesterol Levels - Garlic
You Will Need

Minced garlic cloves

What You Have To Do
  1. Add minced garlic cloves to salads and other dishes.
  2. You can also chew on peeled garlic cloves.
How Often You Should Do This

You must consume garlic on a daily basis.

Why This Works

Garlic contains a compound called allicin that is only released when you crush it. This compound is known reduce your cholesterol naturally (7), (8).

6. Green Tea

Lower Your Cholesterol Levels - Green Tea
Lower Your Cholesterol Levels - Green Tea
You Will Need
  • 1 teaspoon of green tea
  • 1 cup of water
  • Honey
What You Have To Do
  1. Add a teaspoon of green tea to a cup of water.
  2. Bring it to a boil in a saucepan.
  3. Simmer for 5 minutes and strain.
  4. When the tea cools down a little, add some honey to it.
  5. Drink it while it is warm.
How Often You Should Do This

You must drink this thrice daily.

Why This Works

The powerful antioxidant potential of green tea is due to the presence of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) in it, which helps bring down the bad cholesterol (LDL) levels (9).

7. Yogurt

Lower Your Cholesterol Levels - Yogurt
Lower Your Cholesterol Levels - Yogurt
You Will Need

1 bowl of probiotic yogurt

What You Have To Do

Consume a bowl of probiotic yogurt.

How Often You Should Do This

Do this daily for best results.

Why This Works

Probiotic yogurt contains good bacteria that enhance your gut health and play a significant role in lowering your cholesterol levels naturally (10).

8. Chia Seeds

Lower Your Cholesterol Levels - Chia Seeds
Lower Your Cholesterol Levels - Chia Seeds
You Will Need

1 tablespoon of chia seeds

What You Have To Do

Add chia seeds to your favorite smoothie or fruit juice and consume it.

How Often You Should Do This

You must consume chia seeds daily to reduce your cholesterol levels.

Why This Works

Chia seeds are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce cholesterol levels and the risk of cardiovascular disease (11), (12).

9. Grapefruit Juice

Lower Your Cholesterol Levels - Grapefruit Juice
Lower Your Cholesterol Levels - Grapefruit Juice
You Will Need

1 glass of fresh grapefruit juice

What You Have To Do

Consume a glass of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice.

How Often You Should Do This

Drink this juice 1 to 2 times daily, preferably after every meal.

Why This Works

Grapefruit is a rich source of protein and various other nutrients that have amazing benefits. It provides your body with vitamin C, fiber, and minerals like magnesium and potassium. The strong antioxidant potential of grapefruits, along with their excellent nutrient composition, is great for lowering your cholesterol levels (13).

10. Orange Juice

Lower Your Cholesterol Levels - Orange Juice
Lower Your Cholesterol Levels - Orange Juice
You Will Need

1 cup of orange juice

What You Have To Do

Consume a cup of freshly squeezed orange juice.

How Often You Should Do This

Do this 2 to 3 times daily.

Why This Works

Regular and long-term consumption of orange juice was found to lower the cholesterol levels and the risk of developing cardiovascular disease according to a study published in Lipids in Health and Disease (14).

11. Pomegranate Juice

Lower Your Cholesterol Levels - Pomegranate Juice
Lower Your Cholesterol Levels - Pomegranate Juice
You Will Need

1 cup of fresh pomegranate juice

What You Have To Do

Consume a cup of freshly prepared pomegranate juice.

How Often You Should Do This

Do this 1 to 2 times daily.

Why This Works

Pomegranate contains high levels of antioxidants as compared to green tea and red wine. These antioxidants help in lowering the bad cholesterol (LDL), which, in turn, keeps cardiovascular disease at bay (15), (16).

12. Lemon Juice

Lower Your Cholesterol Levels - Lemon Juice
Lower Your Cholesterol Levels - Lemon Juice
You Will Need
  • ½ lemon
  • 1 glass of warm water
  • Honey
What You Have To Do
  1. Add the juice of half a lemon to a glass of warm water.
  2. Mix well and add some honey to it.
  3. Consume the juice immediately.
How Often You Should Do This

Drink a glass of lemon juice once daily, preferably every morning on an empty stomach.

Why This Works

Lemon juice is a rich source of vitamin C and antioxidants. This makes it an effective remedy for reducing the bad cholesterol (LDL) levels and promoting weight loss (17).

13. Apple Cider Vinegar

Lower Your Cholesterol Levels - Apple Cider Vinegar
Lower Your Cholesterol Levels - Apple Cider Vinegar
You Will Need
  • 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar
  • 1 glass of water
  • Honey
What You Have To Do
  1. Add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of warm water and mix well.
  2. Add some honey to this mixture and consume it.
How Often You Should Do This

Drink this solution once daily or every alternate day for best results.

Why This Works

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) contains acetic acid and pectin. While the acetic acid helps you in losing the unwanted body weight associated with high cholesterol, the bad cholesterol (LDL) attaches itself to the pectin (fiber) of ACV and gets eliminated from your body (18), (19).

14. Flaxseeds

Lower Your Cholesterol Levels - Flaxseeds
Lower Your Cholesterol Levels - Flaxseeds
You Will Need
  • 1 tablespoon of powdered flaxseeds
  • 1 glass of warm water/milk
  • Honey (optional)
What You Have To Do
  1. Add a tablespoon of powdered flaxseeds to a glass of warm water or milk and mix well.
  2. You can also add some honey to the mixture to improve its flavor.
  3. Consume it immediately.
How Often You Should Do This

You must do this once daily.

Why This Works

Flaxseeds contain a lignan called secoisolariciresinol diglucoside (SDG) that helps lower the blood cholesterol and decreases your risk of developing liver diseases (20).

15. Celery Juice

Lower Your Cholesterol Levels - Celery Juice
Lower Your Cholesterol Levels - Celery Juice
You Will Need
  • 2 stalks of celery
  • ½ cup of water
  • Honey (optional)
What You Have To Do
  1. Blend two stalks of celery with half a cup of water.
  2. Strain and add some honey to the strained celery juice.
  3. Consume a glass of this juice and refrigerate any leftovers.
How Often You Should Do This

You must drink a glass of celery juice 1 to 2 times daily.

Why This Works

Celery is a rich source of antioxidants and its regular consumption can lower your LDL (bad cholesterol) levels (21).

Let us now look at some foods you can include in your daily diet to assist the above remedies for better results.

Best Foods To Lower Your Cholesterol Fast

Listed below are some of the best foods that can help you lower your cholesterol levels:

  • Oats
  • Barley and other whole grains:
  • Beans
  • Avocados
  • Nuts like almonds, pistachios, walnuts, peanuts, and or hazelnuts.

In addition to a healthy diet, following these tips can help you manage your cholesterol levels.

Prevention Tips

  • Eliminate trans fats from your diet. They are often found in cookies, crackers, etc.
  • Exercise daily.
  • Quit smoking.
  • Check your weight to understand if you are overweight.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol.

Once you start following the above remedies, diet, and tips, you will see a change in your condition in a few weeks. Try them out and do let us know how well they worked in combating your cholesterol issues.

Expert’s Answers for Readers Questions

What are the foods to be avoided when you have high cholesterol?

Jika Anda memiliki kolesterol tinggi, Anda harus menghindari konsumsi lemak trans seperti cookies, kerupuk, dan gorengan lainnya. Anda juga harus mengurangi konsumsi ghee, mentega, daging berlemak, dan produk susu.

Apakah pasta buruk jika Anda memiliki kolesterol tinggi?

Pasta yang terbuat dari gandum dan biji-bijian relatif lebih sehat dibandingkan jenis lainnya. Jenis pasta lainnya dapat meningkatkan kadar kolesterol jahat (LDL) dalam darah Anda.

Berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk menurunkan kolesterol?

Jika Anda mengambil tindakan pencegahan yang diperlukan dan membuat perubahan pada pola makan dan gaya hidup Anda, Anda akan mulai memperhatikan peningkatan kadar kolesterol Anda dalam waktu tiga minggu.


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